A tailored beauty care program
Beyond the skin diagnosis, VisioDerm™ Connect offers a detailed clinical questionnaire designed by a dermatologist, along with a support allowing you to register the client’s cosmetic habits and her/his expectations.
Thanks to VisioDerm™ Connect, you can, within only a few minutes, make a complete and customized beauty prescription, which not only includes the results of the scientific analysis but also your client’s wishes:
- Beauty rituals as a session or in therapy
- Advices on products to extend the daily treatment efficiency
A database established by a dermatologist
Each analyzed parameter gives a detailed description:
Introduction of each parameter
Reasons for imbalance
Advices regarding care treatment
Recommended lifestyle
Beauty salon treatment recommendations
Example for redness parameter:
Redness: skin shows highly colored redness areas and presence of dilated vessels
GENERAL INFORMATION: Redness can cause brief tingling, tautness and warm feelings. The causes are often inherited but can also come from an unhealthy lifestyle (too much rich food, UV exposure …). You must target the kind of cosmetic care for this type of skin: soft and respectful for weakened epidermis.
CAUSES: Different factors may cause or increase scattered redness: temperature, skin exposure or tanning booth, emotions, stress, spicy food, alcohol …
ADVICE: Natural cleansing products help re-balance pH. Choose soft exfoliating treatments and soothing products. Perform relaxing treatments to reduce stress
LIFESTYLE: When the skin is well hydrated, it is smooth, radiant and supple. Drink water. An adult should drink around 1500-2000ml (51-68 fl. oz) of water every day. Water but also milk, juices, tea…Eat fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and trace element. Daily food must include dairy products, soy and fruits to increase skin resistance. You must develop the strength and the tautness of the vascular cells to improve micro-circulation. To prevent hot flashes and redness, avoid eating shellfish.
CARE RECOMMENDATIONS: Perform a therapy of 3 soothing treatments every 21 days. We advise to activate micro-circulation.
Following-up the treatment over time
VisioDerm™ Connect allows you to follow-up the skin evolution over time along with the efficiency of the treatments on the imbalances treated.